Spanish Scavenger Hunt

Bienvenidos a mi clase de espaņol I! Welcome to my Spanish I Class! 

My theme this year is "Attitude + Performance = Success." 

Spanish History

Scavenger Hunt
How many things of Spanish origin can you find in your community. Follow these easy steps and let the fun begin!

Work in a group. Collect as many of the items on the list as possible.

Look in supermarkets, libraries, newspapers, and magazines.

Put a check mark next to each item your team finds. At the end of two weeks, the team with the most items wins!

__ 1. a picture of a Spanish-speaking person in history
__ 2. a signature from a Spanish-speaking person
__ 3. a news article about a country where people speak Spanish
__ 4. the names of three famous Hispanics (for example, a TV personality, an athlete, and an author)
__ 5. the name and address of an organization in your community that uses Spanish
__ 6. a word in Spanish (Check to make sure it is spelled correctly!)
__ 7. a picture of a fruit that originally came from a Latin American country (banana, tomato, pineapple)
__ 8. a picture of a vegetable that originally came from a Latin American country (potato, pumpkin, corn)
__ 9. a postage stamp from a Spanish-language country
__ 10. two state names that come from Spanish
__ 11. three colors in the Spanish language
__ 12. a coin from Spain or from a Latin American country