Fall Semester 2008 Spanish 1 Study Sheet for Cumulative Exam


The test will consist of material from the Preliminary Chapter through Chapter 1. The test will be matching and multiple choice.

v     Study -vocabulary from the Preliminary Chapter through Chapter 1 and the Numbers 0-1,000,000!

v     Know the indefinite and definite articles: (pg. 5, 19 and handout)

q       Definite: el (masculine)

la (feminine) “The” el chico  the boy

Indefinite: un (masculine)

una (feminine) “A” una chica  a girl

v      Adjective agreement (pg. 20)

q       The adjective MUST agree with the noun it is describing!!!

q       In Spanish the adjective comes AFTER the noun!!! NOUN BEFORE ADJECTIVE!

ü      un muchachO graciosO una muchachA graciosA

v      If there is more than one noun, then the adjective must also agree!!

q       los muchachOS rubiOS

v     Subject pronouns (handout) Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of the sentence.

q        I: yo

q        you (familiar)

q        he, she, formal you: él, ella, usted

q        we nosotros

q        they, you all: ellos, ellas, ustedes

v     El verbo SER: TO BE (pg. 11 and pg. 21) yo soy, tú eres, él, ella, usted es,

v     nosotros somos, ellos, ellas, ustedes son

v     Plural of articles, nouns, and adjectives (pg. 20 and handouts)

v     Definite articles in the Plural

q       el, los, la, las

v     Indefinite articles in the Plural

q       un, unos, una, unas

v      If a noun or an adjective ends in a vowel, add an –s

v     If a noun or an adjective ends in a consonant, add an –es

v     If it ends in a –z, change the –z to a –c, and add an –es

v     If you make the sentence plural, everything has to agree!

q       Los alumnos son cómicos. (If the subject is plural then the verb has to be plural, too!!!)

v     Telling time. Pg. 25 and handouts

v      Hay means there is, there are

q       ¿Cuántos alumnos hay en la clase?

ü      Hay muchos alumnos en la clase.

v     Know the differences between and usted. (Pg. 8)

v     -AR verbs (pg. 52) Know the endings! Study your verb charts.

q       bailar: to dance

q       hablar: to speak

q       necesitar: to need


Fall Semester 2008 Spanish 1 Study Sheet for Cumulative Exam


q       mirar: to look at

q       pasear: to take (en bote)

q       cocinar: to cook                ¬  All of these verbs are in the infinitive form!

q       escuchar: to listen                      To make someone "do" the action, we take

q       buscar: to look for                     off the -ar and add the appropriate ending!

q       comprar: to buy

q       cantar: to sing

q       caminar: to walk

q       montar: to ride(en bicicleta)

q       bailar: to dance

q       patinar: to skate      

q       sacar: to take (fotos)

q       visitar: to visit

q       hablar: to speak

v     All of the above verbs will have the same endings!! To figure what ending you need to use, look at the subject in the sentence!!!!

q       yo: -o, ella -a, ellas -an

q       tú -as, usted -a, ellos -an

q       él -a, nosotros -amos, ustedes -an

v     Be able to match the subject (either noun or pronoun) to the correct form of the verb!

q       1. tú   a. compro

b. compran

c. compras Correct answer is: c.

v     IR, and ESTAR (pg. 50, 9, handout and verb chart)

v     IR: yo voy, tú vas, él, ella, usted va, nosotros vamos, ellos ellas ustedes van

v     ESTAR: yo estoy, tú estás, él, ella, usted está, nosotros estamos, ellos ellas ustedes están

v     Contractions: (notes and handout)

q       A + EL becomes AL before MASCULINE SINGULAR NOUNS.

q       DE + EL becomes DEL before MASCULINE SINGULAR NOUNS.

q       Nouns with the articles LA, LAS, LOS, UN, UNOS, UNAS ARE NOT AFFECTED

v     The months (los meses) (notes)

v     Location (pg. 4, 5, and notes)

v     Realidades on pg 46 and 47

v     Interrogatives: (look at handout)

q       ¿Qué? What?

q       ¿Quién? Who?

q       ¿Quiénes? Who? (plural)

q       ¿De dónde? From where?

q       ¿Cómo? How?

q       ¿Cuántos? How many? 

q       ¿Cuánto? How much?

q       ¿Cuándo? When?

q       ¿Cuál? Which or what?

q       ¿Adónde? To where?

q       ¿Dónde? Where?