Arrest Warrant          

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The Arrest Warrants must be prepared and submitted to the NYPD. They are necessary for the suspects' arrest along with extraction papers since they are out of the USA.  You must give a complete description of the suspects and the crime they committed and also include the following information:

bullet Full Names of the suspects
bullet Ages
bullet Complete Address
bullet Item stolen and its value
bullet The place from where the item was stolen
bullet Evidence
bullet Why are they the suspects?
bullet Where they are located
bullet  Give your reasons for how you know where they are.
bullet  Include the clues from the letter and how you interpreted them.     Each person must contribute to this section, by explaining how he or  she thinks the clues are related to the city they have selected.
bullet List the Names of the Detectives on the case.

*** You are not limited to these guidelines; you can use your imagination and include other facts! Ex: How the letter was discovered, previous crimes committed by El Crawler De Noche and El Espantapájaros y Sra. Reye, information about the children of Sra. Reyes, etc. ***

* All of this information (i.e. ages and address) was not given to you, so use the other information about the El Espantapájaros y Sra. Reye and El Crawler De Noche to be creative.  Also, do not forget that your warrant needs to be written in Spanish! *

***Spanish/English Dictionary***