Fine Arts Specialist                 byFrida Kahlo

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Your responsibility as the fine arts specialist is to stimulate in your group a sense of pleasure, pride and discovery which provides aesthetic challenges and leads to a greater cultural awareness and discernment.  You are to look for famous pieces of art or for artists, popular music and dance, and distinguished plays and playwrights of each of the countries.  These can either be past or present, but you are to find different interpretive pieces that make each culture unique and that separate it from the other two. Use the links below to help you in your search. ¡Buena Suerte!

bullet Madrid, Spain:
bullet Museums around Madrid
bullet Virtual Journey of Spain
bullet Soft guide Madrid
bullet All About Spain
bullet Mexico City, Mexico:
bullet Museum of Modern Art
bullet Mexico (look on the left hand side of the site)
bullet Palacio de Bellas Artes
bullet Mexico Connect
bullet Buenos Aires, Argentina:
bullet Multimundo Travel
bullet Travel Tango
bullet Argentina Net Art Gallery

***Spanish/English Dictionary***