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Your assignment is to study and become well acquainted with the everyday lives of people who live in each one of the countries by looking at clues: objects and documents, specific dates, people and certain events (i.e. wars) that shaped each countries history.  For instance, if you were an expert on the United States, among other things, you would most likely know about Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, the New Deal, and the Civil Rights Movement. Look at the following web sites to find people and events that created each country’s history. ˇBuena Suerte!

bullet Madrid, Spain:
bullet Madrid Man’s Yankee Homepage
bullet History of Madrid
bullet Spain
bullet All About Spain
bullet On The Line
bullet Mexico City, Mexico:
bullet Mexico City - Mexico City
bullet The Roots of the City
bullet Mexico Online
bullet Mexico Connect
bullet Early Cultures in Mexico
bullet Buenos Aires, Argentina:
bullet Argentina's General Resources and History
bullet Un poco de historia
bullet InterKnowledge
bullet Sur del Sur
bullet *** For information on the history of all three countries:
bullet The History Channel

***Spanish/English Dictionary***