Doctora Hickman's Spanish Class

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Drew-Freeman Middle School, 2600 Brooks Drive, Suitland, MD 20746 (301) 817-0900


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Libro - Así se dice

¡Así se dice! helps you teach Spanish your way with manageable content and easy-to-use technology. Cultural and interactive experiences blend learning opportunities to transport students to the exciting diverse world of Hispanic culture.
Whether your school uses print, digital, or a combination of both, motivate students with a powerful standards-based curriculum, photos from around the Spanish-speaking world, hands-on interactive projects for a deeper understanding of the culture, and connections with peers from different countries, all without leaving their classroom.

Students connect and compare cultures with motivating applications found throughout the program.

World Language Department

Syllabus Introduction to Spanish – Doctora Sherida Hickman - Rm. 107

Course Content and Timeline
A. Introduction to Spanish Unit
• Greet people appropriately based on formality and time of day, including gestures appropriate to the culture.
• Say good-bye to people based on formality and time of day.
• Express yourself politely depending on the audience.
• Identify and use numbers from 0 to 100 to express a variety of information.
• Identify and use the days of the week and the months of the year in order to relay information.
• Find out and give specific dates.
• Ask and tell time.
• Tell and ask for specific times when events occur.
• Discuss the weather and the seasons.
• Identify the Spanish-speaking countries and principal cities on a map.
• Recognize various currencies of the Spanish-speaking world.
• Recognize and apply the unique phonetic sounds of the Spanish alphabet.
B. Physical / Personality Characteristics Unit
• Identify adjectives to describe people and things.
• Apply adjective agreement in order for nouns to agree with adjectives.
• Identify adjectives with their opposites.
• Ask for and tell information about other people.
• Identify nationalities throughout North and South America.
• Express opinions about people.
• Name the school subjects on their schedule.
• Tell what time various classes take place at school.
• Utilize question words to inquire about people and things.
• Describe school subjects and their level of difficulty.
• Apply definite article rule for placement in front of nouns utilizing correct gender
and number agreement.
• Apply indefinite article rule for placement in front of nouns utilizing correct gender
and number agreement.
• Use the irregular verb “ser” in its conjugated forms.
• Use correct subject pronouns with corresponding forms of the irregular verb
• Compare and contrast the concept of friendship between the United States and Latin
C. Family/Home Life Unit
• Identify family members and pets.
• Describe a house or apartment.
• Describe rooms and some furniture.
• Compare family life in Ecuador to the U.S.A.
• Discuss the important role of pets in the Spanish-speaking world.
• Use the verb “tener” to express possession, age, and limited physical characteristics.
• Use possessive adjectives to tell who or what possesses something.
• Recognize that a possessive adjective must agree with the noun it describes in gender and
• Compare and contrast urban vs. suburban housing in the U.S.A. and in Spanish-speaking
D. School Unit
• Describe what you do in school.
• Identify some school clothes, specifically pertaining to a school uniform.
• Tell what school supplies are used in both American and Spanish-speaking schools.
• Discuss what you and your friends do after school, including use of electronics and shopping.

• Explain how students get to school and why.
• Compare and contrast school and after-school activities in Spanish-speaking countries and in the United States.
• Compare and contrast working habits of young people in Spanish-speaking countries to the
United States.
• Identify an –ar verb and be able to conjugate it for the different pronouns to make sentences
about the topics discussed in this chapter.
• Explain a contraction of words and use the two mandatory contractions correctly in Spanish.
E. Food Unit
• Identify typical breakfast foods from the United States.
• Identify typical lunch foods from the United States.
• Identify typical dinner foods from the United States.
• Identify names of meals.
• Identify hot and cold beverages from the United States.
• Express feelings of hunger and thirst.
• Ask someone what they eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
• Categorize foods by fruit, vegetable, meat, fish, and dessert.
• Identify typical “tapas” foods enjoyed throughout Latin America and Spain.
• Order foods at an outdoor café or restaurant.
• Request the check in an outdoor café or restaurant.
• Request a table at an outdoor café or restaurant.
• Conjugate and use regular –er verbs in Spanish.
• Conjugate and use regular –ir verbs in Spanish.
• Conjugate and use the irregular verb “ver” in Spanish.
• Use the expression “tener que” to express things they have to do.
• Use the expression “ir + a + infinitive” to express the simple future tense.
• Use the expression “acabar de” to express activities they have just completed.
• Use proper telephone etiquette to make plans to meet friends for a meal or snack.
F. Sports Unit
• Discuss soccer, baseball, basketball and tennis.
• Describe a soccer uniform.
• Identify colors.
• Compare/contrast team sports in the United States with Spanish-speaking countries.
• Conjugate some stem-changing verbs in the present tense.
• Use verbs such as to interest, to bore, and to like to express feelings about activities.
• Identify the main ideas and other significant ideas when reading about Roberto Clemente.
First Quarter: Lección 1 and 1st half of Lección 2
Second Quarter: 2ndhalf of Lección 2 and Lección 3 – Semester Exam
Third Quarter: Lección 4 and 1sthalf of Leccion 5
Fourth Quarter: 2ndhalf of Leccion 5 and Leccion 6 – Final Exam


 Syllabus Spanish 1 – Doctora Hickman - Rm. 107

Email -


First Quarter

Theme: Intro Greetings

The classroom and school

Capitulo 1 – Mis amigos y yo

A. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

B. Y tú, ¿cómo eres?

Capitulo 2 – La escuela

A. Tú día en la escuela

B. Tú sala de clases

Second Quarter

      Capitulo 3 – La comida

A. ¿Desayuno o almuerzo?

B. Para mantener la salud

Capitulo 4 – Los pasatiempos

A. ¿Adónde vas?

B. ¿Quieres ir conmigo?

Third Quarter

       Capitulo 5 – Fiesta en familia

A. Una fiesta de cumpleaños

B. ¡Vamos a un restaurante!

Capitulo 6 – La casa

A. En mi dormitorio

B. ¿Cómo es tú casa?

Fourth Quarter

         Capitulo 7 – De compras

A. ¿Cuánto cuesta?

B. ¡Qué regalo!

Capitulo 8 – Experiencias

A. De vacaciones

B. Ayudando en la comunidad


Our textbook focuses on the five goals of communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communitiesCommunication is the main goal of second language learning and consists of four integral skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing with culture embedded in each skill. Through the study of a second language, students begin to understand and appreciate the diversity of the many cultures of people who speak the language (Cultures).  Students also will access new information and explore issues related to many other subject areas (Connections).  Studying a second language provides insight into other cultures and the nature of language (Comparisons).  Finally, knowledge of a second language opens doors to a world of other multilingual communities, here and abroad (Communities).


COURSE OBJECTIVES: After completion of this course, students will be able to:


Introduce oneself and greet others.


Give the date and tell time.


Express likes and dislikes.


Describe persons and things.


Recognize Spanish-speaking regions, countries, and nationalities.


Identify clothes and colors.


Identify rooms and parts of a house.


Express family relationships.


Discuss student life.


Identify foods from Spanish-speaking countries.


Discuss sports, activities, social events, and pastimes.


In order to reach these goals, many different materials will be used.  For example, videos, films, magazines, newspapers, taped stories, visual aids, and an exercise workbook will be incorporated into the course to help the students develop language skills that are useful to themselves and can be applied to various activities and disciplines.


Syllabus Spanish 2 – Doctora Sherida Hickman - Rm 107

The World Language (WL) program in Prince George’s County Public School System is dedicated to the development of second language proficiency. In a curriculum driven by National Standards for Foreign Language also known as the 5 C’s (Communication, Connections, Comparisons, Communities and Cultures) and aligned with the Common Core State Standards, students move toward proficiency in the target language through a variety of contextual activities that allow them to demonstrate communicative competence through appropriate performance-based assessments.

Communicative acquisition of language is the focus of the WL program, with reading and writing at the core of proficiency development. The development of reading and writing skills within the world languages classroom is an absolutely integral aspect of the world languages curriculum. To this end, language input is presented in a variety of forms, and fundamental to the program is the presentation of visualized vocabulary and the integration of grammar structures into contextual situations. The Level II program builds upon existing vocabulary and grammar structures that students have learned in the prerequisite Level I. In Level II, students are expected to demonstrate a more profound knowledge of language as they move towards communicative proficiency. Students will be able to demonstrate achievement in each of the three modes of communication, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Presentational. In accordance with the National Standards for Foreign Language, and the Common Core State Standards, students will also be able to demonstrate competence in each of the five domains of performance: comprehensibility, comprehension, language control, vocabulary usage, communication strategies and cultural awareness.

Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students
Standard 1.0 – Technology Systems: Develop foundations in the understanding and uses of technology systems.

Standard 2.0 – Digital Citizenship: Demonstrate an understanding of the history of technology and its impact on society, and practice ethical, legal, and responsible use of technology to assure safety.

Standard 3.0 – Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration.

Standard 4.0 – Technology for Communication and Expression: Use technology to communicate information and express ideas using various media formats.

Standard 5.0 – Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information and data.

With the acceptance of the Maryland Educational Technology Plan for the New Millennium: 2007-2012, by the State Board of Education on April 24, 2007, the State now has technology literacy standards for students, teachers and administrators. These standards define what students, teachers and administrators need to know and be able to do using technology.

The 5 C’s of the National Standards of World Languages are a follows:

COMMUNICATION: The Communication standard is the heart of the world language classroom. Central to world language learning is using the second language to communicate, to learn, and to become part of another culture, rather than talking about the second language or another culture in English. Communication comprises three modes that represent different purposes of language:
• to engage in conversation, exchange ideas, or negotiate meaning with another person (interpersonal mode).
• to understand information received through reading, listening, or viewing (interpretive mode), and
• to express ideas or deliver information through speaking, writing, or showing (presentational mode).

CULTURES: The Cultures standard stresses the awareness of differing perspectives behind the products and practices of the target cultures. The goal is to consider why the similarities or differences exist and how they help students understand another culture’s perspective or view of the world.

CONNECTIONS: The Connections standard links world language study with other disciplines to create interesting, meaningful and authentic contexts for communication in the classroom. As a result, the pool of potential content in a language classroom is virtually limitless, allowing students to use language as a tool for learning in a more natural context.

COMPARISONS: The Comparisons standard helps students recognize that language and cultures interrelate and evolve to meet the dynamic needs of people and society. As a result, students encounter not only cultural and linguistic differences, but also similarities between the language and culture studied and their own.

COMMUNITIES: The Communities standard reminds teachers to look beyond the four walls of the classroom to ensure that students learn how to apply the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom. This may take the form of actual or virtual field trips locally and abroad, student or teacher exchanges, authentic materials used for specific purposes, or written or verbal communication with people from another culture. The teacher designs lessons that help students use their new language in purposeful and meaningful ways to provide personal enrichment and lifelong learning.

By the end of the First Quarter students will:

• Communicate orally about self and to express ideas related to topics
• Apply grammatical principles involving the use of verb tenses beyond the present
• Understand spoken material based on the Level II textbook and ancillary recordings
• Express original ideas related to a given topic orally and in written form
• Recognize new words in reading passages through context and use of a variety of reading strategies
• Write complete sentences from oral practice, dictation, selected real-life scenarios using correct spelling, including accent marks
• Express likes and dislikes and reactions to past events
• Manage a simple telephone conversation in the target language
• Identify cultural differences and demonstrate knowledge of target culture(s)

By the end of this quarter, students will:

• Describe people, places, and situations in the past
• Explain why you are unable to do certain things
• Apply grammatical principles in context using verb tenses beyond the present and also using command forms
• Discuss video clips (Reference: United Streaming)
• Recognize new vocabulary in reading passages through context and the application of other reading strategies
• Write complete sentences from oral practice, dictation, and selected real-life scenarios
• Confront graded reading material with some skill in using contextual clues, cognates, prefixes, suffixes, and roots
• Use various forms of the past tense to discuss past events and ongoing situations
• Compare rules and customs in other countries with those of your own country
• Understand cultural perspectives on extracurricular activities

By the end of this quarter, students will:

• Read narratives and authentic selections from various sources
• Plan for a fantasy trip to a foreign country
• Discuss video plots and characters in structured situations in the target language
• Avoid repetition when comparing similar things in oral and written form
• Recognize new vocabulary in reading passages through context
• Write complete sentences from oral practice, dictation, and selected real-life scenarios
• Confront graded reading material with some skill in using contextual clues, cognates, prefixes, suffixes, and roots
• Distinguish meanings of various forms of the past tense
• Understand cultural perspectives on traveling through various readings and videos
• Describe how you and others spend time
• Read and respond to brief authentic texts about current events

By the end of the Fourth Quarter students will:

• Write a guided paragraph that reflects correct spelling and grammar usage
Identify the main idea and some supporting ideas of selected authentic materials from various media
• Discuss the information gained through active listening or reading to communicate through speaking or writing
• Avoid repetition when comparing similar things in oral and written form
• Recognize new vocabulary in reading passages through context and visual clues
• Write complete sentences from oral practice, dictation, and selected real-life scenarios
• Identify and make comparisons with the historical or contemporary figures and events that have influenced current cultural practices
• Understand cultural perspectives on reading activities
• Make predictions about the future using appropriate language structures
• Complete the End of Year Assessment mandated by the World Language Office of Prince George’s County Public School System

agosto/ septiembre – Vamos a recorder pp. 1 – 27
describe and identify; express likes and daily actions; express places and existence

octubre – Unidad 1 – Centroamérica pp. 28 – 79
vocabulario – personal and family relationships, physical characteristics and personality traits, emotional states and feelings, personal information
gramática – possessives, adjectives and nouns, comparisons and superlatives, interrogatives
cultura – Centroamérica: Mestizaje y cultura; Riqueza natural
lectura – El blog de Ichxel

noviembre – Unidad 2 - Las Antillas pp. 80 – 131
vocabulario – The house, household chores, furniture and objects in a house, electrical appliances, the neighborhood, places and services
gramática – The present progressive, direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, demonstratives
cultura – Las Antillas: Barrios colonials; Música caribeña
lectura – Estilo de vida caribeño

diciembre – Unidad 3 – Andes centrales pp. 132 – 183
vocabulario – Cloting and accessories, describing clothes, stores and establishments, shopping
gramática – The preterite tense of regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs, the preterite tense of the verbs ser, ir, decir, tener, estar, and hacer, the preterite tense of stem- changing –ir verbs
cultura – Andes centrales: Quechuas y aymaras; Los equecos; Las islas Galápagos
lectura – Textiles andinos bolivianos

enero – Unidad 4 – Norteamérica pp. 184 – 235
vocabulario – Foods, buying food, in the kitchen, in the restaurant
gramática – Expressing amounts (indefinites), singular affirmative commands, plural affirmative commands, negative commands
cultura – Norteamérica: El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro; Los chicanos
lectura – La receta del guacamole

febrero – Unidad 5 – España pp. 236 – 287
vocabulario – Parts of the body, personal hygiene, health-symptoms and illnesses, healthy habits
gramática – The past participle, adverbs ending in –mente, por and para, making recommendations
cultura – España y el Mediterráneo: Paisaje mediterráneo; La Noche de San Juan; Las lenguas romances
lectura – Figura en una ventana de Salvador Dalí

marzo – Unidad 6 – Caribe continental pp. 288 – 339
vocabulario – Trips and excursions, on the train and on the plane, the car, the hotel, the bank
gramática – The imperfect tense, the preterite tense of the verbs dar, poder, poner, querer, saber, and venir, talking about past actions (imperfect and preterite tenses) talking about past actions and describing in the past (imperfect and preterite tenses)

cultura – Caribe continental: Símbolos nacionales; El mestizaje y los bailes; Cocina del Caribe – color y sabor
lectura – El Dorado, ecos de una leyenda

abril – Unidad 7 – Río de la Plata pp. 340 – 391
vocabulario – The school, professions, hobbies, free-time activities, and entertainment, sports
gramática – Expressing existence (indefinites), the present subjunctive of regular verbs, the present subjunctive of stem-changing verbs, the present subjunctive of irregular verbs
cultura – Río de la Plata: Influencia italiana; Culura rioplatense; El chipá
lectura – Un cuento de Benedetti

mayo – Unidad 8 – La Panamericana pp. 392 – 443
vocabulario – Geography, countries, the weather, nature and environment
gramática – The relative superlative, expressing plans and intentions, the future tense, hiding the agent, the pronoun se
cultura – La ruta Panamericana: Variedad geográfica; El mundo hispano-inidad y diversidad
lectura – El Tapón de Darién: un corte en la ruta Panamericana

junio - REPASO



horizontal rule

Syllabus:  Spanish I

Instructor:  Doctora Hickman

Department:  World Language      Room 107      Grades 7-8            

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Try to be a RARE student!

bullet Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your school.
bullet Be Accountable for all class requirements.
bullet Take Responsibility for your actions.
bullet Put forth Effort by always trying your best.

Class Materials:

You need to come prepared to class every day. This means you must bring the following items with you each day:

bullet Textbook
bullet Notebook - Students must have a 3 ring binder for Spanish class exclusively. It will be divided into four sections: (1) Classwork, (2) Vocabulary & Grammar, (3) Homework (4) Test and Quizzes. Notebooks will be checked twice every quarter.
bullet A supply of lined notebook paper (college ruled)
bullet#2 pencils and blue or black pens (no red ink!)
bullet Dry-erase eraser and a Dry Erase Board
bulletSubject dividers
bulletComposition books (college ruled)
bulletColored pencils
bulletBook covers
bulletDictionary - Students will need a Spanish-English dictionary with a minimum of 100,000 entries. Larousse and Oxford are excellent dictionaries.

Classroom Expectations and Consequences:

I expect all students to behave in the following manner:

bullet Arrive on time with all the necessary materials.
bullet Do not leave your seat without permission.
bullet Follow directions the first time you hear them.
bullet Keep your mouth free of gum, candy, paper, or abusive language, do not whistle, and do not engage in personal grooming in class.
bullet Show respect for the teacher, fellow students, and classroom items.
bullet Take responsibility for your own learning.
bullet Trash will be thrown away at the end of the class period. Students will not be permitted to leave until all trash is picked up and placed in the trashcan.
bullet The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. Please do not bolt for the door.

This is how a respectful student acts:

·       Student arrives on time to class, and is seated and ready to work before the tardy bell stops ringing.

·       Student is quiet when the teacher or another student is talking to the class.

·       Student never talks or yells out in class. Student raises their hand and waits to be called upon to speak.

·       Student remains in his/her assigned seat at all times unless otherwise instructed.

·       Student does not throw any objects within or around the classroom.

·       Student does not bring anything to class that will distract the teacher or other students in any way.

·       Student will not use any obscene or inappropriate language gestures in the classroom.


·       Every day, the objectives (what you are doing today) will be listed on the board.

·       On a piece of loose-leaf notebook paper, copy the DATE (in Spanish) and what your class is expected to learn that day.

·       Please make sure that entries are neat.

·       Please number your entries starting at #1.

·       These will be handed in at the end of the 6 weeks for two daily grades.

Teacher Notes:

·       I do not give notes very often. However, when notes are given on the board, it is expected that students will pay attention and write down the information given. Often, the notes on the board are NOT in the book.

·       Students are to be attentive and respectful of the speaker, whether it is the teacher or another student asking or answering a question.

·       If you miss class for any reason, please get notes from another student. I will provide additional notes for absences if necessary.

Asking or Answering a Question

·       Students are to raise their hands to ask or answer a question. Please do not just blurt out questions or answers.

·       Other students should be respectful and quiet while someone is asking or answering a question.

Headings on Papers and Assignments:

·       All assignments should be neat and readable.

·       Put your full name (Spanish First Name and Your Last Name, not just your first name preferably in the upper right hand corner. Points will be deducted for no names.

·       Please indicate your period number under your name.

·       Indicate the date the assignment is given on.

·       Please title your assignment with the applicable title at the top of your assignment.

Partner work:

·       You will have a partner throughout the semester.

·       You will work with your partner often to practice your speaking in Spanish most of time.

·       It is expected that you do the activity with your partner when instructed to do so and if you finish early, study with your partner and use extra class time to practice your vocabulary.

·       Partners will change (about) every two chapters.


Because learning a second language is a cumulative process, it is important and necessary that students attend class every day. An unexcused or unlawful absence, (any absence whereby the student does not supply a written note from a parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence with the parent or guardian’s contact information) will result in the student receiving the grade of ‘zero’ (0) for the days missed. An unlawful absence will be documented as such and no make-up work will be assigned.

Make-up Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to make up whatever work was missed due to an excused absence. In the case of multiple days, the student has the number of days out to make up the work. (i.e. a student is out for 2 days, he or she has 2 days to make up the missing work.) The student and teacher will schedule the time for the completion of the make-up work.


bullet Tardiness will be excused only if you bring a legitimate note from a teacher when you arrive tardy.
bullet Since I stamp homework at the beginning of class, unexcused tardies will not get their assignments stamped. No stamps = no points!
bullet The consequence for tardies is a deduction of points from the weekly participation grade.
bullet 1st tardy:  2 point deduction
bullet 2nd tardy:  5 point deduction
bullet 3rd tardy:  10 point deduction
bullet Each additional tardy will also result in a 10 point deduction.           

Extra help:

bullet You may also call me at home in the evenings until 9:30 p.m.  (513-668-7937)
bullet Please come for help as soon as you have questions. Do not wait until you are totally lost!
bulletEmail -


All work is to be your own. Cheating will result in a zero on any assignment. Examples of cheating include:

bullet Copying homework.
bullet Giving or receiving test information.
bullet Looking at someone's test.
bullet Having identical or nearly identical sentences in writing assignments.
bullet Misusing software or Internet programs which translate for you.
bullet Having excessive assistance from a native speaker or a person with more advanced language skills
bullet Using a "cheat sheet" or writing on hands, desk, or clothing.

Grading Policy:

The grading policy for the World Language Department is based on the five (5) content areas set forth in the National Standards for Foreign Language. Those areas are as follows: Communication, Connections, Cultures, Comparisons and Communities. The following are factors and their corresponding percentages: Classwork 35%; Homework 20%; Assessment 45%. Tests, quizzes, homework, classroom assignments, oral presentations and projects will be assigned and graded in the appropriate category.

It is your responsibility to check your grade frequently on-line and keep track of your missing work. The total points of students will be divided by the total points possible to obtain a percentage grade of:


90% - 100% = A

80% - 89% = B

70% - 79%= C

60% - 69% = D

0-59% = E

The letter grades used on report cards are A, B, C, D, E, I, P, F, and W, with no plus or minus signs.

A -- Excellent progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (90-100%).
B -- Above average progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (80-89%).
C -- Average progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (70-79%).
D -- Below Average progress toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (60-69%).
E -- Failure toward meeting course objectives and learning outcomes (below 60%).
I -- Incomplete. (The "I" grade may be used temporarily for secondary students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work in a timely manner. The "I" grade will not be included in the calculations of the student's Grade Point Average.)
P - Pass (credit bearing). F -- Fail (not credit bearing).
W -- Withdrawn. Student drops a course after twenty (20) school days from the start of the course or ten (10) days in a semester course. "W" does not factor into grade averaging.

A student will receive a failing grade (“E”) for assignments, tests, or quizzes when he or she has cheated; fails to produce work by the deadline; has been lawfully absent but fails to produce make-up work by the deadline; has been unlawfully absent; or demonstrates unsatisfactory progress (below 60%).

Extra Credit:

There will be no extra credit assigned to any individual student. If the required assignments are completed there is no need for extra work.


I will be available for any student needing extra help on Monday thru Thursday after school in room 112 in the Main building from 3:15pm - 4:30pm. Please do not be afraid to speak up if you do not understand something. Spanish is like building blocks. If you miss class or are getting behind, you need to come in during this time to keep up with the pace because everything builds on each other. Let me know in advance if you cannot come on Monday thru Thursday and I will find time to help you out.


bullet Homework is a way to practice the concepts we are learning in class. It helps you learn vocabulary, it reinforces language rules, and it gives you a chance to use what you have learned.
bulletThere will be daily homework assignments. Some assignments are written and others require viewing a television show or listening to an audio clip in Spanish, and some assignments are to be done online (internet). All assignments must be completed.
bulletAll homework is due at the beginning of class. Students will not receive credit for incomplete assignments even if there are "...only a couple left to do." I stamp completed assignments only. Therefore, no stamps = no points!

Class Preparation and Participation:

Students are expected to arrive to class on time; that means before the bell rings and to be seated for the beginning of class. They are expected to participate in all classroom activities, both oral and written. Classes will be conducted 90% in Spanish! Students are to be prepared for class by bringing a notebook, textbook, dictionary, pen or pencil and assignments that are due on a daily basis. Students must memorize vocabulary in order to be successful in class and communicate in the second language. Students will not be permitted to enter class without materials. Leaving the classroom for tissues, materials left in the locker or use of bathroom will not be permitted.

Announcements and Getting Student’s Attention

·       Should an announcement come on over the intercom or if I need to make a clarification during an activity, please quiet down from your activity quickly so you can hear.

·       Students will please stop what they are doing and focus on the teacher and/or the announcement.

Fire Drills and Emergencies:

·       Should the fire bells sound students are to quietly stop their activity and walk out the exit route described.

·       Students are expected to refrain from talking until the drill is over.

·       During any other emergency, students should remain calm and listen for directions.




I look forward to spending an exciting and fun year with you!!!

bullet Tips on Foreign Language Acquisition

A Few Brief Suggestions on Studying a Foreign Language

bulletPledge of Allegiance in Spanish
bullet Spanish I Grammar Notes

    El Museo de Prado



bulletDiego Rivera
bulletPrado Museum
bulletMuseo Thyssen Bornemisza
bulletFrida Kahlo
bulletPablo Picasso
bulletSalvador Dali


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This site was last updated 08/29/15